This is one of the most important classes as it is the beginning of the journey and works with the element of Earth that teaches you to honour the physical realm, how to honour the cycles and transitions, how to form an internal container of
sacredness for your life, how to embody wholeness and heal any internal separation.
You will work with discipline, structure, and form and appreciate the gifts your body and your beauty brings to your life.
The postures in this class ground you into the present moment, the Chandra Sequence teaches you how to yield to the Earth, to recieve the strength, endurance and support that comes from this standing flow.
The Chandra Sequence helps to deepen our connection with what supports us in the world, intentions are set and embodied through this class.
The Root and Sacral energy centres (Muladhara and Swadistana chakras) are the focal points.
The emotional realm is the Water element. This is the fluid that flows within your life to keep things supple, alive, and growing. Without water your nature can become dry, brittle, and hard, like the ground without rain. You need the rich substance of your feelings to keep your life lush and growing.
The element of Water brings the soul essence of love, in the emotional realm you uncover ways to love yourself fully, nurture your relationships, and create a space for clarity.
This is where you get to dig deep through your physical strength to excavate any limiting belief held in your mind about your body. (Your mind quits before your body does and so you learn through being present and enduring).
The Chandra sequence is so useful for those who suffer with anxiety, the grounding practice shift you out of the grips of stress and anxiety and is an important resource for being here and now, in present time, and this is where we can enjoy our lives more fully!
In this class we focus on the Fire element and it helps with “self assertion”.
That ability to “stand for what you want and for what you believe.” and bring that out into the world.
Here you can learn to be dynamic, claim your personal power and your vitality and let your light shine brightly, to feel passionately about life.
We build on our core strength which relates to the Fire element that transforms and clears obstructions (literally changing forms, dying to an old part of the self and being born anew.)
This class builds on our self esteem and confidence, and you learn to apply boundaries and repel anything that is harmful to you.
The Navel or Manipura chakra is your power centre and it is through the Sun Salutations and various other practises that we can uplift and transform depression.
Fire is a volatile realm and often people express their fear of it getting out of control. Nature’s Rhythm yoga teachers believe that anger/assertiveness is the energy that gives you the ability to joyously stay alive, and to step into the absolute right to be who you are.
This class will encourage you to claim your Personal Power, assertiveness and vitality.
Dare to take risks, to set boundaries, to be true to yourself, the more you practice, the easier it gets.
In this session, we will be working with mainly postures that expand the upper body and chest to enhance deeper breathing, which relates to the Air element and the energy of the Heart and Throat chakras (Anahata and Vishuddi).
Air equates to the mental realm, in the same way that Earth is of the physical realm and Water is of the emotional realm.
Air and sound set the vibrational tone of your life. The thoughts you have, how conscious your language is, how integrated you are in using both your right and left brain, and how you work with prayer, intention, and meditation are all part of this wisdom.
The Full Moon class brings harmony and balance to our system through the connection to our heart. You begin to see your life from a larger perspective and work with your visionary ability.
Air is where you learn to soar. You can fly when your thoughts and vibration are in harmony with your life desires.
You will feel held and supported as you balance your energies through Nature’s Rhythm Yoga – the Shiva Shakti flow.
This class focuses on learning to harness our energy through a sequence called Infin8flow (which has been derived from the Egyptian salutes) This ancient practice helps us to access all the elements and unlocks areas of our brain that are not fully activated.
The class has a meditative approach, it is slow and we hold poses for a longer length of time to enable us to direct energy around the body with our intention and deeper awareness.
The Third Eye and Crown chakras are responsible for this feat (which develops over time) and these higher energy centres correlate to the master glands (the Pineal and Pituitary) that help distribute energy that we access through higher source (or self) you will feel empowered as you deepen your inner awareness and sensitivity and this developed intuition helps you to shape your body and mind for your calling.
Harnessing your energy means choosing wisely where to place your attention and that is how we become empowered.
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